Why Sweetbay Yoga

Practicing at Sweetbay Yoga provides all the benefits of the most talented teachers in the Bethesda area. But, at heart, Sweetbay Yoga is about community.

Here is a place to practice in a completely supportive community, one that is all about growth, encouragement and friendship. Whether you are new to yoga, or have been practicing for years, Sweetbay is the next step on your yoga journey. Come join us. Many have said we offer the very best of both worlds: inspiring, creative instruction, plus a great community, on and off the mat!


How We Began

Sweetbay Grand Opening Instragram Post

Our community started quietly in basements, living rooms, libraries, studios, gymnasiums, beaches, tennis courts, offices & classrooms. We found space to grow and to meet regularly. Our core group formed, and although each of us came and went, we continued to find our way back to what became Sweetbay Yoga: an inclusive, fun, warm, non-judgmental space to explore yoga, wellness and community. It's so easy to be with us! Besides the Sweetbay classes, we started the teens yoga group called BeYummy (youth united through meditation, mindfulness,& yoga), a Kiva lending team, book clubs, film nights, local and international retreats, yogathons, our own Annual Winter Bazaar, and various activities outside of yoga.


We Continue to Grow

Sweetbay New Studio Ropes Wall
BeYummy Kid's Yoga group
Laurel ropes wall backbend
Five yogis doing headstands
Sweetbay's Westbard opening unpacking boxes

20 years later… we are all still connected to what Sweetbay stands for: an inclusive, supportive, outgoing place to explore yoga and wellness on many levels. This has remained true from its inception. From Westbard’s location to now Cordell, Sweetbay continues to provide community for yogis in Bethesda. Whether you participate solely in the yoga classes, or find your way into all the activities, you are welcome here at Sweetbay Yoga. Sweetbay is truly your om.